What Happens in Art Therapy?
You don’t need special art supplies to participate in art therapy.
In an art therapy session, the possibilities of what you can create and how you can create it are virtually endless!
In your session, you might choose to use:
dry media such as pencil crayons, pastel, charcoal, and oil pastel
wet media such as acrylic paint or watercolour
sculptural materials including clay or fabric, fibre arts, carving
found/recycled objects
natural materials
And the options don’t stop there!
Art therapy isn’t confined to making visual art. In as session you might choose to explore poetry, song writing or composing, even dance.
As an online art therapy clinic, Inner Compass can provide you with accessible support in your own home. However, this does mean that clients must provide their own art materials, using what they have on hand or can purchase in their own communities. But you don’t need to have special art supplies to participate in art therapy! Many household items can make great art supplies and nature provides many as well.
If you are unsure of what materials you’d like to use or are limited in what you have available in your own home, your therapist will be able to help you find materials that support you to express yourself most authentically.

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”